Member registration
(Provide a unique username for your registration (without spaces). The username will be used during your login)
Email Address
(Provide your e-mail here. The e-mail must be unique. Once you have entered the information required, your password will be automatically sent to you at the above address)
Full Name
(first name - second name)
(Mr. or Ms. )?
Choose from the list

If "Other", please specify:
(full name of Organisation or Institution in English)
(Abbreviation of the Organisation or Institution in English)
(Category of Organisation)

FORMAL EDUCATION (primary, secondary or tertiary level)
NGO, IGO, Association, Museum, EE Centre, etc)
GOV - Relevant Agency, Ministry or other Governmental Body
MEDIA - Press, Journalists
Other - Other

If "Other", please specify:
(Select your country of origin)
Security Image
  In line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016), by registering :

- You agree that MEdIES secretariat stores and processes the data you have filled in. These data will not be shared with anyone, it will be for MEdIES' use only.
- You agree that MEdIES Secretariat will use your personal data to send you newsletters and targeted emails.
- You have the right to edit your details through your account in MEdIES.
- You have the right to be “forgotten,” upon request (meaning that all your personal data will be entirely erased)
- You have the right to receive an export of all the data MEdIES has stored about you, upon request.